How Does Student Well-being Impact Academic Success?

How Does Student Well-being Impact Academic Success?

How Does Student Well-being Impact Academic Success?

Ever wondered how a student’s well-being is linked to their academic success and behaviour? A recent study sheds light on this connection:

– School-related subjective well-being (how students feel about their school life) has been found to boost adaptability, academic achievements, and positive behavioural conduct.
– The research tracked 539 Year 12 students across four data collection waves. It was discovered that students with higher well-being during school tend to adapt better, perform better academically, and show positive behaviour.
– Interestingly, while well-being promoted adaptability, the reverse wasn’t as strong. However, both well-being and adaptability played a role in influencing positive behavioural outcomes.

Educators and parents, take note! Fostering a sense of well-being and adaptability in students could lead to significant educational gains.

For a deeper dive, check out the full article;

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