What we develop

Activity 1: Project Management and Implementation (PMI)

PMI activities include designing project websites, social media pages, logos, posters, videos, and other digital products to be used as dissemination materials and to increase the visibility of the project. Implementation of the eTwinning project, organising project introduction meetings, holding local activities, and carrying out evaluation and reporting activities are among the other PMI activities.

Activity 2: Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) I

First TPM is hosted by the coordinator Spojená skola sv. Kosickych mucenikov in Kosice, Slovakia. During the meeting, partners present their countries’ education systems and the healthy lifestyle behaviours of students with good examples of physical activeness and wellbeing. They also mention problems during the Covid-19 and promotional activities for the well-being of the students in their School. Besides, partners review the partnership agreements, roles and responsibilities of partners, risk factors, coordination and communication, dissemination of activities, expense items and documents, efficient use of the grant and evaluation, and project reporting. Partners discuss the training needs of teachers, plan upcoming LTTAs’ topics and have a seminar on the effective use of eTwinning. The activity ends with a cultural tour and certification ceremony.

Activity 3: Promoting Wellbeing Toolkit

The digital Toolkit helps users to have active and healthy lifestyles and behaviours. It is designed based on health and physical activity education principles in the local, European and global arenas. After the partner institutions’ review, the Toolkit is tested by teachers and students and piloted during the project mobilities. Translation and adjustments are made in Slovakian, Turkish, Romanian and English. It is compatible with Android and IOS operating systems and has a free downloadable kit to make it accessible for all users.

Activity 4: Learning Teaching and Training Activity (LTTA) I

Özel Diyarbakır Ticaret Sanayi Odası Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi hosts the first LTTA in Diyarbakır, Turkiye. Participants from partner organisations observe lessons to experience the quality of health and wellbeing teaching and learn more about the education system in Turkiye. They meet and exchange information with the decision-makers during the study visits. Health Workshop focuses on improving physical activity, self-awareness, positive thinking and integration of wellbeing into the school curriculum. Eating Habits and Healthy Living Congress hosts presentations for students, teachers, healthcare professionals, NGO representatives, and a project promotion workshop. The first pilot implementation of the tool kit is held with all participants during the first LTTA. The activity ends with a cultural tour and certification ceremony.

Activity 5: Learning Teaching and Training Activity (LTTA) II

Liceul Tehnologic Transporturi Cai Ferate Craiova hosts the second LTTA in Craiova, Romania. Partners participate in the activity with teachers and students. They learn about the education system in Romania and its similarity and difference to other countries. A teacher training is held on promoting digital competence, self-esteem and healthy lifestyle behaviours. Students participate in a workshop about positive thinking with personal challenges. This workshop is linked with the twin space as a part of an eTwinning project. Teachers and students have a joint session after these training and seminar and visit decision-makers to exchange information and ideas. During the health workshop, all participants discuss the methods of improving physical activity, self-awareness and positive thinking in schools and the integration of wellbeing into the school curriculum. The activity ends with a cultural tour and certification ceremony.

Activity 6: Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) II

ILA hosts the second TPM in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. During the meeting, partners attend a seminar about health and wellbeing education in the Netherlands and innovative solutions in health literacy. In the health workshop, they design posters with Web 2.0 tools about eating habits and healthy living. These posters and other digital materials are used to promote the project. The project team evaluates the level of reaching the project objectives, reviews project results and eTwinning activities, discusses new project ideas and future cooperation, and drafts the final report. The activity ends with a cultural tour and certification ceremony.